Iroquois Beverage Corp.
201/256 Pratt Street
Buffalo, New York
(aka Iroquois Brewing Co.
and International Brewing Co.)




Tap Knobs



Print Ads

Tray Liners





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Use the links along the left border to view some other breweriana from the Iroquois Beverage Corporation or to return to the Iroquois History page.

 Iroquois Indian Head Ale
12 oz cone top
1930s or 1940s (IRTP)
not listed in BCU
  Iroquois Indian Head Beer
12 oz cone top
1930s or 1940s (IRTP)
BCU #27/28
 Iroquois Indian Head Beer
12 oz crowntainer
1940s (IRTP)
BCU #38/22
Iroquois Indian Head Beer
12 oz crowntainer
early 1950s
BCU #38/21
  Iroquois Indian Head Beer
12 oz cone top
early 1950s
BCU #27/29
  Iroquois Beer
12 oz flat top
BCU #85/16
Bible #1465
 Iroquois Beer
12 oz flat top
BCU #85/15
Bible #1464
International Iroquois Ale
12 oz flat top
late 1950s
BCU #84/02
not listed in Bible
International Iroquois Beer
12 oz flat top
late 1950s
BCU #84/05
Bible #1411
 Iroquois Draft Ale
12 oz pull tab
late 1960s
BCU #85/14
Bible #1463
 Iroquois Indian Head Beer
12 oz pull tab
similar to BCU #85/17
Bible #1466
reads "International Breweries, Inc." on gold band around bottom
Iroquois Indian Head Beer
12 oz pull tab
1960s to early 1970s
BCU #85/17
similar to Bible #1466
reads "Iroquois Brewery" on gold band around bottom
 Tomahawk Ale
12 oz pull tab
early 1960s
BCU #122/38
Bible #2835
 Iroquois Draft Beer
12 oz flat top
late 1960s
BCU #85/17
Bible #1467
 Phoenix Beer
12 oz flat top
late 1950s
BCU #106/09
similar to Bible #2238
Stolz Beer
12 oz flat top
early 1960s
BCU #121/03
similar to Bible #2766
Bavarian's Select Beer
12 oz pull tab
not listed in BCU
similar to Bible #174/175


BCU - "Beer Cans Unlimited" (see References page for details)
Bible - "Beer Can Collectors Bible" (see References page for details)
IRTP - Internal Revenue Tax Paid (printed on all beer packaging prior to 1950)

Copyright 2000, 2001 - J. Anthony Pompa
Last Revised - 21 January 2001